New Hire Spotlight: Loan Nguyen & Manali Ghosh, Data Analyst Interns
Our new data analyst interns are ready to own complex projects and dive deeper into technical domains.
The Lendtable TeamNovember 03, 2022

Hi Loan & Manali, we're so excited to have you both here! Why don't you introduce yourselves a little?

Where are you from?

Loan: I was born and raised in Nam Dinh, Vietnam. I moved to the US 4 years ago for college.

Manali: I am originally from India but currently residing in Connecticut.

Where do you go to school and what are you studying?

Loan: I go to Minerva University, and I double major in Computer Science and Business.

Manali: I am doing my Masters in Business Analytics and Project Management from University of Connecticut.

What are your plans post-graduation?

Loan: I hope to continue working as a Data Analyst in the financial services industry.

Manali: Looking for full-time positions in the Data Analytics/ Data Science domain.

What made you choose to come to Lendtable?

Loan: I had some prior internships in the financial services industry, but none of them were in financial planning, or 401(k) specifically. Maybe because I am still young, I haven't paid attention to financial planning even though I should. Thus, Lendtable and the space Lendtable is in excites me. Also, I enjoyed the conversations I had with people at Lendtable during my interviews.

Manali: Being an international student the 401k and ESPP plans seem confusing/daunting. The internship at Lendtable provides me a perfect opportunity to understand the workings of these plans. I also wanted to gain a deeper exposure in the fintech domain and utilize my learnings from my Masters to hone my Analytical Skills. The Mission Statement and the amazing Team at Lendtable is definitely an important factor as well.

Why is Lendtable's mission important to you?

Loan: I find it sad and unfair when people without a good financial foundation cannot build their financial freedom early while they are the ones who need it the most. It makes Lendtable's mission noble to me as we are making an impactful change in our users' future.

Manali: Given the current economic conditions, everyone could use a higher take-home paycheck, be it supporting a child's education, or making a big financial decision, Lendtable helps people achieve these. I feel this is my way of giving back to society and that's what motivates me to perform better.

What are you passionate about outside of work?

Loan: Desserts, yoga, karaokeing

Manali: I am passionate about traveling, reading and swimming.

Where do you look for financial tips and advice?

Loan: NerdWallet, Robinhood Snacks Newsletter, my boyfriend :)

Manali: My Dad

Rapid fire time!

Favorite season?

Loan: Fall

Manali: Fall

Pet peeve?

Loan: People sitting in my bed with their outside clothes.

Manali: When people assume things without getting any clarification.

Favorite cuisine?

Loan: Korean and Filipino

Manali: Thai

Favorite city?

Loan: Bangkok, Thailand

Manali: San Francisco

Favorite drink?

Loan: Coconut Water

Manali: Matcha Strawberry Latte with Boba


Loan: Loanie

Manali: Mancy/ Mags

1475 Folsom St.
San Francisco
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